Exam science

please study the material of reproduction in flowering plants. Cos you will have exam on thursday , 29January2020

Exam tematik F sub tema 1

study text book tematik F subtema 1 and note book. Focus of learning for each subject: bahasa ( text eksplanasi), ipa ( kalor dan pemuaian ),ips (interaksi manusia terhadap alam ), pkn (konvensi hak anak). Exam will held on Tuesday 21st January 2020

Chinese New year celebration 2020

Please come and have fun to kidstar school Chinese New year celebration . There will be more activities such as fashion show , cooking, dancing and many more. . Dont miss it on Saturday 1st Februari 2020… 🙏🙏

Homework tematik

Do page 28 (ayo jawab),page 37 (ayo berlatih ), evaluasi 1 page 51 and 52 part A. Collect it on monday, 20 Januari 2020.

Homework english

Find one picture of famous people in the world. Bring colourful picture .. .collect it on wednesday, 15th January 2020.

Welcome Back To School

School start on wednesday, 8th January 2020. Bring text and note books based on last schedule. The New schedule will give on The next day