Welcome Back To School

School start on wednesday, 8th January 2020. Bring text and note books based on last schedule. The New schedule will give on The next day

Bahan Belajar final semester ganjil 2019-2020

1.tematik A-E (ipa,bahasa,pkn,ips):pelajari kertas Review

2. English: unit 3 dan 4 dan kertas test

3. Science: unit 5,6 dan 7

4. Mandarin : kertas review

5. Matematika: kertas review dan catatan.

6. Agama islam; 1-4 dan review

7. Agama budha; 1-4 dan review

8. Agama kristen: 5-7 dan review

9. Agama katolik : pelajari paket evaluasi

10. Maths: **

11. Sbdp : evaluasi di dalam buku tematik .

Year End celebration

Theme of this year End celebration is “me and my families.” We are going to celebrate it at Rinra Ballroom. Register your self and families at registration staf. Each person should pay 150 .000. Thank you !!

Project English

Dont forget to search one festival in the Word via internet…find the information also its video. Present itu as PowerPoint…. collect your project on Monday ,11 November 2019